Shingeki No Kyojin Season 2 - Its here!!!!

Its here, finally. The manga has delved deeper into the origins of the walls and the titans and has amplified our interest several fold. Now we can put aside the trump and wall memes and look forward to the anime.

HD Trailer:

Here is a short summary of the events that have transpired till now:

AD 851, Humans are living away from titans(Mindless behemoths who feed on humans) inside their walled capital protected by three layers of walls. The people go through their lives inside the walls. T
Five years ago, Three kids experience what can only be defined as the most traumatic event of their lives. Eren(Rebellious teen who aspires to be free from the walls and explore the world), Armin(Quaint but, intelligent dreamer) and  Mikasa (Eren's gloomy sister) are discussing their dreams. Eren despite his mother's  constant dislike aspires to become a member of the scout troop; who explore the areas beyond the walls to study the titans. After an acrimonious discussion, he runs out in anger with mikasa and armin in pursuit. The are stopped by a loud thunder strike, eren adjusts himself after hitting the ground to see the gasp in armin's face. He turns around to see a large hand on the 50 ft wall protecting the city and face that looks down on them.

The collosal titan kicks down the wall thus, making way for for all the other titans to enter the city across first wall. Eren and mikasa run back to their home to  warn their mother but, are left agaust to find the home in ruins and their mother captured by a titan. Before they can attempt to fight the titan, they are whisked way by a soldier. They are left to witness the titan eating their mother and they come to terms with their own powerlessness.

The city is left in ruins by the barrage of titans and they are evacuated inside the second wall along with armin.

Military academy:
Six months after the attack, the city is getting acclimatized to the sudden influx of population into the second wall and the loss of irrigable land of the first land. The send a small proportion of the population to collect supplies from the first wall(elderly and disabled) in the presence of soldiers as an excuse to curb the population and gather any supplies at all possible. This includes armin's grandfather, who dies during the expedition. Eren is overwhelmed by these experiences and decides to join the survey corps to to kill all the titans. Armin and mikasa join along with eren join the survey corps. They enter the academy and train with other recruits and graduate the 106th unit. Five years later, they graduate and are posted as security detail before entering the survey corps officially. Inspired by eren determination, his fellow graduates also decide to apply for the survey corps to help humanity. Just when things start to look up, there occurs a large crash and the collosal titan appears again.

Second attack:
Eren stands face to face with the colossal titan that ruined his life. But, now he is trained and ready. He jump to attack the titan, the titans weak point lies on their nape. He launches a sweep strike to the nape but, it makes no damage. He is swept aside from the body heat of the titan.

The colossal titan targets the artillery on the wall and destroys the wall and disappears before eren can regroup to make a stronger strike.

The whole sequence starts again, all that training is now ready to be used. Eren signals the breach and goes back to the headquarters to join the troops to launch the at defense. Mikasa is approached by an elite force to assist in the vanguard.

 Eren along with armin start the defense with their group(Colleagues from his time at the academy) and encounters a group of titans on the way. But, before they begin an abnormal titan defeats half the team. Eren's team is miserably overpowered and eren loses his temper and taken out by a titan. Armin is cornered by a titan but, is too frightened to do anything. Eren pushes armin out of the way before the titan can reach him and is eaten in the process.

The defense fails to curb the surplus of titans without the artillery present on the wall to control the flow.  Guilt ridden and ashamed, Armin goes back to regroup with the other cadets. Mikasa returns to see a quiet mikasa in the corner, she inquires about eren. Armin reports his whole squad died graciously in duty along with Eren Yeager. Mikasa remains quiet for a while, the other groups start to panic upon hearing the loss of the whole of eren's team. Mikasa raises her sword and ordered the troops to regroup to the main headquarters to restock their weapons. She inspires the members by example and they begin their mission. During the getaway process mikasa still puzzled by the news of eren's death overexerts her gas cylinder thus, clogging the tank and falls to the ground. She comes face to face with a titan and has given up all hope after coming to terms with the loss of her last family member. But, she remembers eren and jumps out the way. Eren inspired her to fight and she begins to confront the titan an live to keep the memory of eren alive.
Another titan(Black titan) comes along the other side, she lunges forward. But, before she makes her move, the black titan hits the other titan. Mikasa gains her composure and witness the black titan killing another titan. Armin and Connie(colleague from academy) reach mikasa and sweep her from the ground. While Connie lectures mikasa on her foolish act, they witness the black titan attacking the other titan and using martial arts like technique to take down the others. 

The abnormal titan:
Armin, Connie and Mikasa witness one of the most bizarre incident in the history of mankind. A titan that does not attack humans but, rather attacks other titans. Mikasa informs the group that she lost all the gas in her cylinder to travel; Connie suggests they siphon some gas from each other and leave it to chance to cover the distance.

Armin makes a ridiculous suggestion to direct the black titan towards the main headquarters to kill the other titans in the way thus, making for a swift journey. The others agree reluctantly to the plan. On the other hand, the other recruits make their way to the headquarters by tooth and nail losing more than half their numbers along the way. They make a beeline to the supply room to restock their artillery but, the room is swarmed by titans. Now bereft of any hope, they are ready to give up. Just then, the black titan races and takes out most of the titans. Mikasa and co also reach around the same time and inform the other cadets of their plan. While the black titan is busy causing rukus.

They make a quick assault on the few titans that are left in the supply room using their top talents(Mikasa, Reiner, Berthold, Connie, Sasha and Annie) and replenish their supplies. While on the way out to regroup with the command, they see the black titan in the middle of being eaten by other titans. Some cadets are skeptic about the black titan believing all titans are to be killed. Just then, the abnormal titan(the same titan that killed half of armin's squad) walks in; the black titan lunges and kills it losing both its arm in the process.

 It manages to destroy the other titans i the vicinity and falls. It starts to degrade and the cadets are ready to leave the area. Mikasa witnesses as the black titan withers away and out of the steam she sees a figure rise from the carcass, a figure she would give anything to obtain. She jumps down to the ground despite the cadets protest and gets closer tot he figure and checks its heartbeat and cries with a outburst of joy. She got back her family, she got back EREN!!.
