Gintama final arc!!

The gang is back with a more serious tone!?

Yes, the final arc of Gintama series is airing and we get to explore more into the incidents that shaped Gin-San. The Joi war was always an enigma as we take a keen look into Gintoki and takasugi's friendship and their eventual split in ideologies. From the last season, we learnt that Gin and others were educated at a samurai school and their teachers Shoyo's arrest was the reason they entered the joi war. But, when gintoki chose to kill his teacher to save his friends; his relationship with takasugi was split. But, whilst trying to save Gori...sorry kondo they were impeded by harusame and unmasked their leader as their former teacher(Presumed dead). Harsusame leader is an immortal who cannot be killed by anyone and shoyo was an alter ego created by one of the reincarnations. After escaping from the harusame fleet, gintoki, takasugi(betrayed by harusame) and kami(kagura's elder brother) are on the run from harusame who seek to destroy the last of the rebels to take control of the universe. Now, Gintoki has decided to rebel the harusame and kill shoyo; Kagura wants to puta stop to her brother and shinpachi wants to keep earth and his morals as samurai safe. Is this the end of the carefree and jolly odd jobs gang?

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