One Piece 1008 Spoilers

 Brief summary-

Title- Atamayama bandit leader Ashura Doji

- Oden says that he has reached the future thanks to Toki's powers.

- Ashura Douji does not believe him and gives him a cut, Oden does not bleed.

- It is revealed to be a fake Oden created by Kanjuuro's powers.

- A bomb explodes affecting the false Oden and Ashura.

Jack arrives at the scene to stop the scabbards, Inuarashi clashes with him. The rest leave out to find

- Orochi is alive.

- There is a scene with Yamato and Momonosuke.

Cut to the top of the Dome:

- Kaidou in hybrid form and Big Mom Vs. Worst Generation.

Law: We must remove one of them.

Zoro: I agree.

Kid: Having the two of you side by side in front of me is like being in hell.

Luffy: I've already been to hell many times !!
