When i first read chapter 956 of the manga when it came out i didn't really try to stop and guess what happened to Sabo, but with the episode that came out sunday i decided to analyze the situation and i came to a bunch of interesting realisations; this is going to be a long post, but i promise it will be worth it if you stick with me. The first part of this theory is not going to be anything new but i have to go through it because it is the premise of the theory. Let's start! (The post seems long but it's mostly images, please stick with me!!!)
In chapter 956 Big News Morgans is trying to decide which one of these mindblowing news should get the cover page: he talks about a death, the results of a vote, and an attempted murder:
the 'results of a vote' news is most likely the abolishment of the Warlords system, as stated in the chapter:
now, let's focus on the other news: my guess (and a lot of others' in the community) is that the death is the one of Nefertari Cobra (Vivi's father) and the attempted murder regards Vivi: let me explain. Garp mentions in the same chapter that a terrible incident happened regarding the Alabasta Kingdom at Reverie:
In chapter 908, Cobra wanted to have a private meeting with the Gorosei, and they think that he might be on to something that he shouldn't know (most likely Pluton) and they go as far as to calling the Nefertari family 'traitors', telling us that they hold a grudge for the decision their ancestors made after the formation of the World Government:
"In other words, they are traitors"
In the very same chapter, the Gorosei, while kneeling down in front of Imu, ask for which light should be erased from history this time, and out of a few candidates (Luffy, Blackbeard and Shirahoshi) Imu has his eyes on Vivi, conferming that the Nefertari family are clearly their target:
Imu sits on the throne having chosen Vivi as his target
Now that we have estabilished this, let's focus on Sabo: in chapter 956 everyone dear to him is crying while reading the newspaper, and making comments that imply he is in a very bad situation:
"We only just found out he was alive!"
I think we can all agree that Sabo wouldn't die off-screen, so my guess is that Sabo got captured and is set to be publicly executed: when Ace was going to be executed, the government wanted to end Gol D. Rogers bloodline but also wanted to lure Whitebeard to finally confront him in their own territory; here the situation is the same: they are going to use Sabo's execution as the perfect opportunity to lure their undisputed number 1 enemy, the Revolutionary Army, to defeat them once and for all. A popular theory is that Makino, Koala, etc... are crying because Sabo got framed for the death of Cobra: the reason why i don't think this is a fair critique to my theory and is likely not what happened is because we see in the same chapter that the World Government is trying to cover up the incident by sending Morgans money and by also going to the extreme lenght of sending a member of Cipher Pol to make sure that the truth doesn't spread out; if the no.2 of the revolutionary army got framed by the news for the death of cobra, why would the government try to cover that up? Isn't that the absolute best outcome? One of the representatives of the revolutionary army, the organisation that is trying to overthrow the WG, is the one "responsible" for an innocent's death and this innocent man was also the king of a nation; what better way to make the commonfolk go against the RA than this? Obviously this is not the case, and if it were, the WG definetely wouldn't try to cover it up. No, the reason they don't want the truth to be known is because they did something bad (trying to erase the Nefertari family as supported by the evidence above) and want to cover it up to preserve their image in front of the world's eyes (just like they did with Ohara and the White Lead disease incident). Now this is where my theory really starts, so buckle up. In every single line of dialogue the RA appears in chapter 956 they are always expressing concern in regards to Sabo. Nobody mentions the other officers that were also there(Morley, Lindberg, Karasu), but they do mention that they can't contact them to have confirmation on what happened for some reason or another, so most likely the newspaper only mentions Sabo and not the officers, implying that nothing major happened to them. Here is where the evidence i've pointed out until now leads to: Vivi and the other officers of the RA managed to escape safely with Kuma while Sabo stayed behind; please give me the time to explain. Vivi is hunted by the world government under the direct decision of the literal king of the world Imu, as seen and pointed out above (he is literally holding Vivi's picture as the one that should be erased), so you can bet your ass that if they had/have the chance to kill her they will; but we can all assume that just like Sabo, a major character like Vivi (ex-Strawhat) isn't going to die off-screen, so that's what the "attempted murder" Morgans was talking about is. As mentioned in chapter 908, the only reason the RA is at the Reverie is to retrieve Kuma, their former comrade, so you can also bet your ass that there is no way that Oda brings almost all of the major characters of the RA for ONE reason and they don't accomplish it, that would be extremely bad writing if all of them got defeated and they went there for nothing, and it's just not what Oda does.
But how would a normal human such as Vivi and a soulless Kuma that doesn't have a conscience anymore escape from 2 admirals? Well, they escaped because of the other officers of the RA and their powers: Morley can dig tunnels underground with extreme ease because of his devil fruit ability and Karasu can fly while carrying people on his back as shown here in Dressrosa chapter 794:
and that's why the news don't mention the other officers of the RA: Sabo stayed behind to stall the 2 admirals so that the others could complete the mission (saving Kuma), but was obviously defeated in the end. Now what happens to this group of characters? This is where i realised how strong this theory is, but first, a little premise: (if you came this far, please, stay until the end, that's where all the dots will be connected!) the point of the iconic "x tattoo" scene at the end of Alabasta was to show that no matter what, Vivi is a part of the crew and a lifelong friend of the Strawhats, and actually that was their response to Vivi asking "But if we ever see eachother again... will you call me your shipmate?"
The prelude to the iconic scene
I think we can all agree that Vivi will make her way back to the Strawhats before the end of the series as part of the crew, and before i come to the conclusion of this Vivi argument, let me also say something else: Vivi has to be there when the Strawhats reach Laugh Tale. As mentioned in chapter 967, Roger's crew learnt everything about the world (The will of D., the ancient weapons, and the history of the void century) at Laugh Tale. That's where the answers are.
The page before the legendary "He laughed" moment
Now think of Vivi. She is the "politician" of the crew. She is the person that got her country screwed over 2 times by the evil WG: first by the hands of Crocodile (he was backed up by the WG because he was a warlord) and now a second time, with this terrible incident regarding the Alabasta Kingdom that Garp mentioned (the death of her father Cobra if my theory is correct). She is the character that the king of the world and the gorosei despise because of what her family did just right after the end of the void century. She is the kind-hearted monarch that has the love and loyalty of her people, in contrast to the WG that keeps the truth hidden through lies and is responsible for massacres and the terrible condition of millions of people around the world (slavery, racism, entire islands being sacked and ravaged by pirates if they can't afford the heavenly tribute). She has to know what the WG did. She has to know what her family did and why they did it after the void century and what the void century itself is, and she has to know what the ancient weapons are since she is so strictly tied to one of them (Pluton). Now that we've estabilished this, we can move towards the conclusion of the theory. Sabo mentions in chapter 794 that he is the one that made Luffy's vivre card and he took a piece of it:
"Here, i'll take a little piece" Sabo has Luffy's vivre card.
This is it. Now that Vivi is hunted down by the literal king of the world, there is no way she would survive normally, she'll be killed if she goes back to Alabasta somehow or any other place; so she goes to the only "place" where she will be protected no matter what: back to the Strawhats. There is literally nothing else she can do. How will this group (Vivi, soulless Kuma, Lindberg, Karasu, Morley) reach Luffy? Well, Sabo has Luffy's vivre card. Why would the officers of the RA escort Vivi back to Luffy? Well, because there is an unresolved plot point that goes all the way back to Dressrosa. Remember why the RA was in Dressrosa in the first place besides the mera-mera no mi? They were trying to track down weapons that we found out were actually made in Wano by Kaido and Orochi. So this already solves 2 plot points: Vivi's long awaited return to the crew and the RA finding out the origin of these weapons. Let me take this a step further: a popular theory is that Vegapunk will come to Wano after the war is over, in a similar way to how Garp went to Water 7 after the CP9 arc: here is an awesome post that explains in detail why it makes sense for it to happen; i understand that you may be tired of reading text walls at this point so i'm going to try and summerise what was said: Sentomaru is the first character in the story to have a japanese-y name; he is also the first one whose name is written in kanji, not katakana or hiragana; he has an attire (the rope thingy in particular, also worn by Oden and Yamato) that screams Wano, and he is the personal body guard of Dr. Vegapunk (Wano and Vegapunk connection); Momo ate a "failed" artificial Devil fruit that was made by Vegapunk, NOT Caesar (connecting once again Vegapunk to Wano); we constantly meet people who might be connected to Vegapunk (Judge worked with him, Queen takes note on how Sanji is Judge's son); we have a whole army that is known to be fearful because of the man-made devil fruits they ate and Oda mentions in SBS 48: "For more detail, you'll just have to wait for a certain professor to make his appearance in the story, and explain exactly what the Devil Fruits REALLY are... Eventually." bur D. Vegapunk is the one that understands how devil fruits work as stated in chapter 433:
And lastly, Vegapunk gets namedropped in Wano! Chapter 932:
There never was a better time for Vegapunk to make his appearance. If this does indeed happen then a lot of awesome development will follow: Kuma will finally get back to his normal self because of Vegapunk (remember that he is a genius and also the same man that turned Kuma into a cyborg, but he was also respecting Kuma's wishes, like the order to protect the Sunny) as there is no way that Kuma will just stay like this for the rest of the series; we will finally learn what his backstory is, why and how he was framed by the WG; his connection to Bonney; the Strawhats will also finally have the chance to thank Kuma for what he did:
"I'm greatful, but i still have a lot of questions. I hope someday we'll find out what Kuma was really thinking."
and finally, in a super-saga in which the devil fruits have been one of the main focuses, we will get the long awaited reveal to what devil fruits are and how they work. I hope you can see how this all makes sense and is not forced at all in my opinion; of course predicting One Piece is extremely difficult but i think this theory is pretty reasonable, even if it turns out to not be correct. Let's recap! This theory, solves these plot points:
Vivi's long awaited return to the crew;
The origin of the weapons that the RA was tracking down all the way back to Dressrosa;
What happened to Sabo after the Reverie was over;
Kuma's reunion with the RA;
Kuma's reunion with the Strawhats;
Kuma's backstory and motives, his connection to Bonney;
Vegapunks' involvement with the RA;
The origin of Devil Fruits;
Thanks so much for sticking with me, i just had to get it out there.
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